Strengthening the position of the market leader

Client: SpecsaversTopics: Advertising and Films, B2C

Specsavers –and in Denmark: Louis Nielsen– are strong brands that, through a disruptive strategy and consistent marketing have secured a large share of the market. In fact, the chain, which has 1,978 stores, has become the market leader in many countries. So, there was a good foundation to build on when, for the first time,…

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“Should have gone to Louis Nielsen” and the English edition “Should have gone to Specsavers” is more than an effective payoff, it has become internationally recognised. Every marketing director’s deepest desire for the company’s marketing concept to become universal has come true for the chain. A little like the iconic Duracell bunny that never stops. But price, as we know, is not everything.

Specsavers’ Marketing Director of Northern Europe, Philip Moustgaard Knudsen talks about the desired effect of the campaign on the Specsavers’ brand

“We absolutely want to maintain that we are the market’s affordable alternative. But even a low price is only really attractive when the product and service you experience as a customer is on a high level. Therefore, the new campaign must convey some extra customer value if we are to be chosen. We are more than a good price.


Studies show that about 80% of people believe that vision is the most important of their senses. And yet, people very rarely get their sight checked. Perhaps because very few people are aware that up to 50% of all sight loss is avoidable with regular sight checks.
This is an important message for consumers. Furthermore, it gives Specsavers a good reason to show that the chain is at the forefront of sight testing in stores and has eye health at the top of its agenda. The task of conveying these good messages in Scandinavia and the Netherlands was laid in the hands of the Danish office, which in itself is worth noting because usually Specsavers tend to develop all campaigns in the chain’s internal creative department.


The Eye Opener Test: What is eye health? It can be hard to relate to. However, with an authentic story about how a sight test revealed a young woman’s cyst in the brain, the Danish version of the film shows how much can be at stake. Fortunately, the story ends happily, and the test participants experience with us as spectators relief, and we see the daughter united with her still obviously shaken mother.

Filmically, it is a surprising turning point and an emotional highlight that may help the campaign’s message make a lasting impression. And, maybe even make viewers feel like sharing it so that more people get the message and understand that the woman came through her ordeal with the help of Louis Nielsen. A truly positive sunbeam of a story that ends with an offer to get a free sight test. Throughout the film, one is reminded of the situation, and secondly through the information that 50% of all sight loss can be prevented, we create a desire of going to the optician. It’s a figure that effects most people who wear glasses or contact lenses – or at least should.