Creating an emotional hook to the otherwise functional brand

Client: nemlig.comTopics: B2C is by far Denmark’s leading online retailer and has successfully established its position by offering the Danes a simple, convenient way to get their groceries delivered directly to their door. Between work, family and friends many of us find ourselves running out of time. The last thing we want to do is spend half…

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Despite a strong brand position, new players frequently enter the market and traditional grocery stores are found on every street corner, still accounting for a significant proportion of consumer grocery sales and buying behaviour. With this in mind, wanted to attract customers that hadn’t yet opted for online grocery shopping while increasing customer loyalty and retention among them.
To do so, wanted to communicate one of its main strengths; offering the Danes an easier way to shop for groceries, saving them time in their hectic lives. It was essential that the new communication concept was able to resonate both as a higher brand promise as well as tactical messaging highlighting product benefits and sub-concepts such as meal boxes, delivery options and a wide organic selection.

We have successfully established’s position as the retailer that delivers groceries to your doorstep, however, in order to attract new customers while increasing customer loyalty and retention, we needed a new, strong concept highlighting some of the emotional advantages associated with having time for the meaningful things in life

Mikkel Pilemand, Commercial Director,


It’s clear that many Danes lack time, wellbeing and happiness in their ever more hectic daily lives. In fact, a recent study shows that by buying groceries online consumers stand to save up to three hours every week. It was clear to that this should be the focus of the new communication concept and accompanying campaigns; that provides the Danes with what they are crying out for – more time – to focus on what really matters.
With an extra three hours a week you could do a lot; destress with a run, read to your kids, indulge in a favourite hobby or simply slouch on the sofa. In essence, you get more time for all the valuable things – and the best thing is that you get to decide what you want to do with the extra time that gives you. The creative idea centres on this insight, articulated through the communication concept: “Mere tid til livet”.

The concept was translated into an extensive, emotional and impactful campaign that could support the brand promise while helping sales with three different, personal stories providing a wealth of content. These were rolled out on TV-spots, the website, social media, banner marketing, engaging content created by the three influencers and a range of other campaign elements across all brand touch points.

The idea was to create a campaign that Danes could relate to. We wanted to tell the influencers’ personal stories while benefitting from their reach and celebrity directing attention to and the message. In this way the influencers worked as both ambassadors and media channels.

Janus Jauch, Creative Director, Sunrise


While most retailers use Christmas to communicate products and sales, wanted to remind Danes to find the time for the special moments that stay with you forever. This was a natural development of the concept “Mere tid til livet”. In order to do this, together with Sunrise started a campaign searching all over Denmark for Christmas home videos – memories caught on camera. From the hundreds of videos received online, selected videos made it to the nation-wide TV commercial and accompanying social media content with the message to spent time on what’s most important in life.

It is always thrilling to work with ambitious and innovative companies like and take part in creating results and growth. It’s a pleasure to work with Mikkel Pilemand and his team and we are very pleased with the result. We feel quite confident that the new communication concept we have developed with can help realize their goals

Simon Hertz, CEO, Sunrise