Capturing the hearts and minds of B2B and B2C customers

Client: FlüggerTopics: B2C, Consulting

Flügger’s roots go all the way back to 1890 in Denmark, and in 2015 it celebrated its 125th anniversary. Together with the new CEO, Sune Schnack, a new digital and sustainability strategy “Going Green” was introduced. As a part of the strategy it was decided to widen the company’s strong B2B position and expand its end-user focus to speak to the needs of today’s consumers. That’s why “Colors that matter” became the flagship concept of the new Flügger – ready to appeal to a broader cross-section of customers whether B2B or B2C.

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Flügger Group has always been the preferred choice of the professional segment, and thereby a strong B2B approach to its business. Pretty much all marketing efforts had centered on the store and tactical marketing. But for its business to grow, Flügger realized that it had to evolve its overall platform and go-to-market strategy. This included appealing to private consumers as well as painting and decorating businesses, being present online, and being more brand focused, while still securing the tactical aspects.

Together with the management, Sunrise discovered great potential for Flügger to accelerate its business and to build on past successes. But this required that Flügger – once and for all – changed its mindset. It was vital to define what position Flügger should take, how it should communicate it, and how it should shed light on its uniqueness both internally and externally – and assume a customer centric approach.


Fortunately, the solution to Flügger’s challenges was to be found in its “Going Green” strategy. This sustainability strategy was to be the differentiating theme to save Flügger from the ”sea of similarity” found in the painting and decorating industry. The position was ‘up for the grabs’, as none of its competitors had significantly positioned themselves as sustainable. But “Going Green” had to be activated and converted from a strategy into an engaging and relevant concept. This realization led to the concept “Colors that matter” which embraces all aspects of Flügger’s business and is anchored internally across the entire organization.


The new concept, “Colors that matter”, points directly towards Flügger’s original core business, “Colors”, but has become “broader” and more nuanced, giving the brand more purpose, attitude, and wider appeal. “Matter” signals sustainability, while being broad enough to embrace the other core aspects of Flügger’s business too – colors that matter – both in terms of sustainability and quality, as well as innovation, inspiration, and aesthetics; from B2B to B2C.

The concept was folded out to build upon existing brand equity, meaning the communicative possibilities we landed on was an evolution not a revolution, however an entire new approach to the brand and marketing strategy that supports the story Flügger wants to tell. “Colors that matter” also became a part of the overall mission for Flügger Group.

With its new concept, Flügger is set to reach its ambition of communicating all aspects of its business and agenda, in an easily understandable and not least, colorful way.