Creating a National Digital Campaign With Focus on Traffic and Involvement

Client: danboligTopics: B2C

In the Spring of 2018 Sunrise was assigned to develop and execute a new campaign for danbolig, where Danish celebrities give a tour of their neighbourhood. The campaign is based on danboligs digital platform ”Our Neighbourhood” which gives future homebuyers new possibilities to dive into the many unique residential areas of Denmark.

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The real estate market is characterized with low differentiation, similar value propositions and strong competition. With this, DanBolig sought out to challenge status quo by adapting to consumer wants and needs and seeking to solve real life consumer concerns. More and more potential buyers are curious to know more about the neighborhood of where they are considering to purchase a future home.
During the first phase, we interviewed internal stakeholders from Danbolig who gave us important insights as to what the key challenges were. These insights were used in the creative phase to develop a creative campaign and a new digital platform for Danbolig.

“We are especially experiencing an increasing demand for more personal insights in the local areas, things you can’t exactly google

Anne Mette Koch, Commercial Chief, Danbolig


With the campaign we wanted to communicate the personal experience you get with the new digital platform “Our Neighbourhood”. Through the concept of the campaign “Welcome to Our Neighbourhood” we get to go behind the scenes and experience the places that makes it a valuable neighbourhood for the local residents. That is why the neighbourhood is not just Nørrebro it is also Dorthe Gerlachs neighbourhood” says Janus Jauch, Creative Director at Sunrise.
In the Campaign we follow singer Dorthe Gerlach from Hush, handball expert Daniel Svensson, actor Gordon Kennedy and singer Julie Bertelsen, all of them who has a very close and personal relation to the specific area they live in. Through the campaign each of them welcomes you into their neighbourhood. For instance, we are introduced to Dorthes favourite thrift shop on Rantzausgade and Daniels usual caféspot in Aalborg.


The key point for the campaign was four films which resulted in 1.800.000 exposures of the video and 800.000 views. The films led to a significant involvement and engagement in the target group that frames the total of 153.000 page views of residential areas, 25.000+ seen favourite spots, and about 1.500 set pins in the period of the campaign. 66% of all traffic to the platform was through Facebook.
You can see and read much more about the Danish celebrities’ favourite places and at the same time experience your own neighbourhood here []