Becoming the leader of the pick & mix candy category

Client: CandyKingTopics: B2C, Social and Activation

CandyKing had recently reinvented itself with a colourful, quirky brand identity and new universe playing with the boundaries between real life and the imaginative. Furthermore, it wanted to be closer to its customers by targeting the occasions that they consume candy. Next on the to-do list was to roll out the brand on social media in Denmark. That’s why CandyKing established a new collaboration with Sunrise as its social media partner.

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With its freshly developed brand identity, CandyKing introduced an entirely new universe in its physical shops with CandyKing branding. The next step: social media. Blurring the line between real and imaginative with colours, quirks, and humour, CandyKing’s new universe is created to be eye-catching and engaging. When it comes to pick & mix candy, however, specific brands are not something people usually notice or remember. With the roll out of its new universe on social media, CandyKing set out to change this by driving customers to explore the new universe and create curiosity about CandyKing’s diverse product offerings. Thus, promote CandyKing as the leading pick & mix candy brand and make consumers fall in love with the brand all over again.


Working together with CandyKing, Sunrise began identifying the key characteristics that make both pick & mix candy and CandyKing unique. The insights were that for many, pick & mix candy is all about choosing your favourites, as well as small, personal rituals, like sorting the candy or eating it in a specific order. CandyKing plays right into this insight, as a main characteristic of the brand is that it has something for everyone.
Armed with this insight, the aim was to use the same sense of humour and play found in the rituals of picking, mixing, and enjoying CandyKing in its social media content. The goal is ultimately to create nice, cosy moments for couples, singles, and the whole family.
Furthermore, to adapt CandyKing for the Danish market, Sunrise dug into the most popular products among Danish consumers, as well as what kind of social media content they interact most with.


With our key insights into the local Danish market, we succeeded in creating a colourful universe that was loxalized with a mix of realistic and graphic elements while also being immediately recogniable as CandyKing. The content focused on favourites to highlighten the most popular candy in Denmark while tapping into trends, events and pick & mix rituals for danish consumers to resonate with the content.
The campaign was rolled out with no less than 4 hero films, 10 pictures and 4 stop motion animations, all encapsulating the essence of CandyKing and the “sweet life”.

Both CandyKing and Sunrise are delighted with the ongoing presence established on CandyKing’s social channels. Sunrise Digital & Social Media Consultant Jana Christensen is more than happy with the results,

With our key insights into the local Danish market and CandyKing’s colourful, imaginative visual identity, we have been able to create some stand out content on Facebook and Instagram. We look forward to continuing a solid collaboration and living the sweet life!

Jana Christensen, Digital & Social Media Consultant, Sunrise