Fleet’s road to excellence with HubSpot

Client: FleetTopics: B2B

Vikingbus has launched Fleet as a new business unit. In this context, they needed to consolidate all their customer data into a CRM, sales, and marketing system. This resulted in an all-in-one HubSpot solution to enhance and improve the core business of Fleet.


Fleet had no dedicated CRM system, making it difficult to manage customer data and interactions effectively. This complicated customer inquiries as customers had many different channels across platforms to interact with Fleet, which made the handling of customer inquiries time-consuming and inefficient. Email marketing was also a challenge for Fleet, whereas the absence of a robust email marketing solution hindered their ability to reach customers with targeted communications. These challenges collectively posed significant obstacles for Fleet in terms of customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and growth potential. They needed a comprehensive solution that could address these pain points and create a more unified and streamlined customer journey.


Sunrise embarked on the development of a comprehensive CRM system tailored to Fleet’s unique needs. This included a seamless integration with Fleet’s website and mobile app. The integration allowed for real-time data synchronization, ensuring that all customer interactions, pruchases, and inquiries were captured and centralized within the CRM system. Enhancing their ability to personalize interactions and services.

Sunrise implemented a robust segmentation strategy within the CRM system. This segmentation strategy encompassed various parameters such as customer demographics, preferences, past interactions, and booking history. The segmentation data served as the foundation for targeted marketing efforts, encompassing email campaigns and fostering future growth. Moreover, Sunrise unified all Fleet’s channels into one Hub in HubSpot and hereby improving customer support efficiency and quality.


The impact of HubSpot on Fleet’s operations was nothing short of remarkable. In just 30 days from the project’s commencement, Fleet had a fully functional CRM system in place, allowing them to gain deeper insights into their customer base and target their services effectively. They also launched their first newsletter within the same timeframe, marking a significant milestone in their email marketing efforts.
Most notably, Fleet’s customer service team now handles inquiries efficiently from a single, unified platform, offering customers a consistent and seamless experience within HubSpot. The level of satisfaction among Fleet’s team and leadership is evident, as they express an eagerness to explore more of HubSpot’s features to further optimize their business operations. The success story of Fleet is a proof of the transformative power of HubSpot in enhancing customer journeys and driving operational excellence.