Re-positioning BKI Coffee

Client: BKI FoodsTopics: B2C

Most Danes know BKI coffee. Most Danes can recite its classic tagline (BKI: Kaffen alle kan li’/BKI: The coffee everybody likes). However, the coffee market is still highly competitive, with many competitors employing a similar visual expression. The battle takes place in the store and the margins are razor thin. Thus, for BKI, a clearer…

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Even though the brand is well-known, not everyone knows that BKI Kaffe has supplied quality coffee to Danes since 1960. Roasting and packaging its coffee in the small town of Højbjerg, BKI is also the only 100% Danish-owned coffee company with its entire production based in Denmark. With its quality and heritage, BKI has many great stories to tell. The key question, however: how to tell these stories in a manner that strengthens the BKI brand?

The task was two-fold: create a brand platform and a communication platform.


Beginning with the brand platform, we described everything that resides within the walls of the company – unpacking the essential narrative and DNA of BKI. This task included both brand positioning and determining the primary target group. Once these fundamentals were in place, we were able to carry on developing the creative expression that customers would meet (the communication platform).

Gaining a deep understanding of the target group’s needs and wishes, it became clear that BKI’s ideal position lay opposite the current coffee trend – opposite the high-end, luxury position so many brands have attempted to assume. BKI, after all, is for all who simply want a quality cup of coffee at a fair price. We therefore created a strategy aimed at getting “everyday coffee drinkers” to perceive BKI as the simple choice that strengthens everyday moments.


Our strategy gave way to the creative platform, “BKI Kaffe – til os alle” (BKI coffee – for all of us), which was made to function across various channels.

Determined to avoid creating yet another “pretty” coffee commercial for TV – which have become the norm – we set out to do something different. Inspired by Benny Andersen’s beloved poem Svantes Lykkelige Dag, the solution appeared almost automatically. We invited the musician Katinka to re-record the poem, setting it to images of the everyday moments that BKI helps make even better.

The end result was a cohesive and unique brand and communication platform that will help reposition BKI as the coffee for all of us.