Merging the brands of two product tanker giants

Client: HafniaTopics: B2B

In late 2018 BW Tankers acquired a majority stake in Hafnia Tankers, and as a result a merger of two of the most significant companies within the product tanker market was a reality.

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In a corporate merger situation, the strategy behind the unification of two strong cultures, mindsets and brands is vital. The goal for Hafnia Tankers and BW Tankers was to merge their two brands without compromising the accumulated brand equity on either side, thus creating one strong cultural beacon for employees internally and seize a robust and ideal market position externally.

We have grown non-stop since we started, so today we are more than 70 employees spread across Denmark, USA and Singapore (…) As we have reached this size, there is no doubt that this takes a strong foundation of branding internally as well as externally

Mikael Skov, CEO, Hafnia


In order to fully capitalize on the merger and emphasize the obtained synergies between the two companies, a carefully considered brand strategy was deployed, in order to send the strongest possible message about where the new company was heading.
The exercise was carried out in strict alignment with the overall strategic objectives of the merger, and thus entailed close collaboration with the executive management of Hafnia Tankers and BW Tankers.
Through an effective and agile approach we helped develop Hafnia develop a new vision and mission statement along with a corporate brand concept and brand identity including name and logo.


Through an effective and agile approach we helped develop Hafnia develop a new vision and mission statement along with a corporate brand concept and brand identity including name and logo.
With the foundation in place Hafnia has seen its new brand activated and implemented across all touchpoints; from corporate design guidelines, stationery and sales presentations to a complete new digital strategy including a new website and social media strategy.

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