Close-Knit collab on strategy delivers social & digital success

Client: MatasTopics: B2C, Social and Activation

In today’s fast-moving social media landscape, quick, on-point content is a must. To help Matas become the number one social destination for health and beauty, Sunrise entered into a close- knit collaboration to advise on social strategy.


Matas is one of Denmark’s largest health and beauty retailers. Its chain of drug stores operates nationwide, and the brand is a highly respected name on the Danish high street. As the go-to retailer for anything from vitamin supplements to shampoo and make-up, it follows in today’s digital-first reality that an engaging social media presence is vital for a leading market position. 


Matas is on an impressive growth journey and has great ambitions to be the health and beauty market leader on social media. To succeed in this, Matas must compete in today’s highly competitive, global social landscape. This is a space that demands a clear strategy and constant creativity, which is why Matas was looking for a strategic partner that could help develop a strategy that could support their internal team in finding new, engaging ideas to try out on selected of their social media channels. 


Matas and Sunrise began a very close creative, digital and strategic collaboration. This meant working as an extension of Matas’ in-house agency to assist with the development of strategy and content ideas to keep up with the fast pace and expectations of today’s digital landscape. In addition to social media strategy and content ideas for Matas’ supplier campaigns, the partnership also included the creation of articles for, as well as the development of ideas for larger supplier concepts and campaigns.


Part of serving as Matas’s digital sparring partner is being on top of the latest trends on social media. Content is king, and it needs to be dynamic and engaging to resonate with users. Lead-times are also tight. Audiences consume posts rapidly and demand is relentless. This is a marked difference to the development of more traditional campaigns and brand development, where time is not such an issue. Classic workflows and deadlines are redefined, but even if the pace is different, each piece of content must reflect high quality and engagement rates.