Positioning products in the world of B2B logistics

Client: DFDSTopics: Advertising and Films, B2B

In an industry as complex and conservative as B2B logistics, it is not often humour is used to communicate products and services. That said, DFDS saw an opportunity to stand out in the way the brand communicated its digital logistics tool, DFDS Direct. Aiming to do something a bit different, we worked with DFDS to create a campaign that not only drove awareness of DFDS Direct, but also aimed to position the product in a highly competitive market.

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The challenge for one of the leading transport and logistics companies in Europe, DFDS, was to create awareness and position its all-in-one, digital logistics tool, DFDS Direct in the market. This task, however, was unlike others DFDS delivered throughout our long partnership. For this campaign, DFDS wished to do something a bit different. The objective was to develop an effective but different B2B campaign communicating the benefits of the customer in a more light-hearted way than the traditional ways DFDS had communicated in the past. In an industry associated with traditional communication methods and precise, 1-to-1 explanations of features, the objective for the campaign was to clearly communicate the overall advantages of DFDS Direct in a way that would make the target group smile. In other words, the task was to “make it fun”.


The solution was reached in close collaboration with DFDS. Together, we developed a new customer centric approach for DFDS to communicate and position products in the market of B2B logistics through a concept focusing on the overall customer benefits (eliminate stress and saves time), rather than on the many specific features of the product. Additionally, we realised that the most effective way to emphasise these benefits was not to show what it’s like using DFDS Direct, but instead, show what it’s like without it. This angle led to the creative concept: “There are many ways to run your logistics … and then there is DFDS Direct”.

Based on this concept, we developed an ambitious campaign centred around three realistic scenarios depicting what can happen when carrying out logistics tasks without DFDS Direct. The scenarios take place in various working settings reflecting the target groups ways of working.


Our work resulted in a campaign consisting of three hero films featuring Sophie, a logistics manager who consistently encounters unfortunate situations in her work that could easily be avoided by using DFDS Direct. While each of the situations depict an issue that could be solved by a specific product feature, the films still maintain focus on the overall customer benefits and how DFDS Direct saves time and takes´ the stress out of running logistics.  

Moreover, to create a full-funnel campaign the films are supported by static and animated social media content communicating both overall benefits and specific product features at a tactical level. Different than what DFDS has done in the past, this campaign has not only helped DFDS Direct stand out from competitors, but also helped lay the internal foundation for DFDS to adapt a customer centric approach and communicate its products in alternative and unique ways going forward.