Navigating Success: The Transformative Journey of NORTH with HubSpot

Client: NorthTopics: B2B, CRM & Sales Enablement

NORTH, Denmark’s largest independent financial advisory firm, offers insurance, pensions, financial procurement, and mortgage services all consolidated within a singular entity. During NORTH’s strategic acquisitions, the organization encountered challenges within its IT systems and operational processes, prompting a dedicated effort towards enhancing efficiency and obtaining a comprehensive overview of NORTH’s business.


NORTH faced the complex challenge of managing a diverse network of at least 15 individual companies, each entrenched in distinct operational systems. The absence of centralized oversight compelled NORTH to seek a solution capable of navigating these disparate elements, essential for their future growth. NORTH wanted to enhance the customer advisory services and qualify clientele. A significant hurdle was finding an agile, user-friendly system applicable across NORTH’s business and diverse workforce. Additionally, the imperative to segregate broker and agency businesses heightened the complexity.


In addressing NORTH’s multifaceted challenges and growth objectives, Sunrise implemented a bespoke CRM and Marketing Automation solution utilizing HubSpot. This strategic solution not only empowered NORTH to navigate these complexities but also revolutionized their approach to cross-selling. Offering real-time metrics, customer insights, and ongoing sales tracking, the solution provided a dynamic platform for growth. Sunrise’s comprehensive training, of NORTH employees, in HubSpot best practices and adept change management further ensured NORTH’s seamless transition to the new system.


The HubSpot implementation for NORTH was executed swiftly, with the configuration going live within two months. It has resulted in a rise, in NORTH’s cross sales, from 5 million DKK in 2022 to an impressive 22 million DKK in 2023. Niels Ole acknowledged the project’s success, stating, “It has proven to be a highly profitable investment. From an economic perspective on the project, we have realized a return on investment many times over after just 10 months.” Beyond boosting cross-sales, HubSpot facilitated a rapid transition from ideation to execution, making NORTH more agile and adaptable. The live data in HubSpot eliminated the need for multiple Excel sheets, allowing NORTH to redirect resources toward propelling the business forward rather than managing administrative tasks.