Deriving a coherent strategy for increased customer engagement

Client: CleverTopics: B2B, Consulting, Strategy & Insights

As the leading charging operator in Denmark, Clever has big ambitions for the green transition and the electric car transformation. To support these ambitions, a team has been established to activate the brand and products in engaging content that retains existing customers and inspires potential customers and partners to choose or sell electric cars and Clever. However, to do so, the team needed a strategy.

Based on a co-creating approach, Sunrise supported and facilitated the process of defining a strategy that could help the Clever team set clear objectives, identify unrealized potential, and prioritize efforts across the team, including a detailed roadmap for 2022/2023 activities.


At Clever, a team of engagement experts are responsible for producing content for communication and marketing along with delivering on the rest of Clever’s ideas and projects. However, the team has grown enormously in a short time, with many different domains with areas of expertise, making team cohesiveness more challenging.


Based on a co-creating approach, Sunrise supported and facilitated the process for Clever to define a strategy that could help set clear objectives, identify unrealized potential across channels, the customer journey, and different customer groups and prioritize efforts across the team. This process took the form of three workshops. First, the team focused on defining aspirations and objectives to ensure a common direction. Second, future areas of action were identified. For this workshop, Sunrise brought in specialists from various fields of marketing to support Clever in the ideation process identifying untapped potential. Lastly, Sunrise developed a unique and custom impact/effort tool from which the team’s initiatives were prioritized and mapped on a roadmap of activities for the coming year.


Clever was left with one unified strategy of objectives, new prioritized efforts and a shared and detailed roadmap specifying project owners and responsibilities. The strategy also included concrete tools for ongoing work, leaving the team with motivation, ready to execute the clearly defined plan of action to support Clever’s business goals.