Helping TravelOperations establish a global market-leading position

Client: TravelOperationsTopics: B2B

TravelOperations is a global provider of ERP and CRM solutions for businesses within the travel industry. The company has a reputation as a reliable and efficient partner for organizations seeking to streamline their operations. However, TravelOperations has set its sights even higher, aiming for significant growth and to establish a market-leading position.


TravelOperations faced a critical challenge in communicating the value of its offering to target audiences. Despite its proficiency in product communication, the company lacked a thorough understanding of its customers’ needs and pain points, and therefore struggled to tailor its messaging to its various customer segments.

This challenge was amplified by the fact that TravelOperations offers three different products – each aimed at different customer segments with unique preferences for communication channels. Moreover, the company’s brand and its website did not accurately reflect its desired market-leading position, which hindered effective engagement with potential customers.


TravelOperations partnered with Sunrise to gain a deeper understanding of its potential customers and refine its messaging. Sunrise began with qualitative interviews to gather insights into the needs and preferences of the target audiences across the customer journey, including preferred channels and media. With this information, Sunrise created a messaging hierarchy for each stage of the communication funnel (awareness, consideration, and preference) and tailored it to each of the three customer segments.

Using these insights, TravelOperations and Sunrise developed a new brand concept and visual identity that aligned with TravelOperations’ market-leading aspirations. The updated branding was then implemented on the company website, ensuring a consistent and compelling customer experience.


TravelOperations established its new brand concept: “Behind Every Great Journey.” The concept embodies the valuable role of TravelOperations in facilitating its customers’ growth journeys, supporting the company’s internal journey, enabling employee career development, and facilitating travel for professionals around the world.

The insights gathered through qualitative interviews were key to creating targeted messaging for each of TravelOperations’ customer segments, accounting for customers’ unique needs and pain points throughout the customer journey and across their preferred media channels.

The new brand concept was applied to an updated brand platform, complete with a refreshed visual identity and a redesigned website. Additionally, new initiatives were identified to further enhance TravelOperations’ market position.