How wealth management companies can benefit from a distinct and appealing visual identity

Client: Kirk KapitalTopics: B2B, Consulting, Design, Social and Activation

Kirk Kapital manages and grows the family-owned capital of one the wealthiest and
most prestigious Danish families – the Kirk family.

Based on Kirk Kapital’s values of competence, dedication, integrity and, the very nature of their core business, family, Kirk Kapital looked to create a modern and representative Annual Report & ESG Report.


Given that Kirk Kapital is a wealth management company, we belived their Annual Report had to communicate “beyond” the commercial aspects of a traditional Annual Report. The goal was not to spark sales, attract new investors or create a competitive brand, but rather to reflect Kirk Kapital’s history, culture and values in a modern manner that was neither dull nor flashy.


With visual elements being the strongest indicator of how people perceive brand identity, we sought to make small tweaks and add new elements to Kirk Kapital’s already strong identity.

Inspired by the unique brick walls of Kirk Kapital’s headquarter – Fjordenhus – we created a unique, colorful and representative visual identity for the Annual Report and ESG Report.

However, it was also important for the identity to reflect Kirk Kapital’s strongest asset: its employees.

We therefore worked, throughout the project, to ensure a strong emotional connection between the report’s visual identity and the employees, investors and the Kirk family.


The result was a strong, unique and representative Annual Report that also featured a separate ESG section. Sunrise provided concept, design, layout services, input on content and the social media launch, which included an interview with Kirk Kapital’s CEO.

Additionally, based on the positive response to the Annual Report, the visual identity of the report was extended to Kirk Kapital’s overall brand identity, indicating proper visual representation of the Kirk brand and culture.

Sunrise continues its collaboration with Kirk Kapital on a variety of projects including next year’s Annual Reports.