







Raising awareness about the link between cancer and being overweight

Too few Danes are aware that being overweight is a major risk factor for developing cancer – and this is despite the fact that almost 50% of the Danish population is already overweight. Sadly, if the trend continues at the current rate, this figure will increase to 66% over the next 25 years. At the same time research shows that 48,000 cases of cancer could be prevented over the next 30 years if Danes were not overweight.

In light of this information, the Danish Cancer Society is instigating a new campaign to highlight the importance of preventive action against becoming overweight. The main focus of the campaign will be to create awareness about the link between being overweight and cancer. It will also aim to create space for reflection upon society’s responsibilities in the development of obesity and the impact of the portion sizes of our meals.

“It’s a huge issue for the Danish Cancer Society that the campaign doesn’t point fingers at Danes that are overweight, rather that we can find the right creative solution to get the message across about the connection between being overweight and the risk of getting cancer. That’s why we’re convinced that Sunrise’s solid experience in developing omnichannel campaigns, as well as an integrated approach to PR efforts will strengthen the collaboration.”

says Mikkel Heideby, CCO & Co-owner at Sunrise.

The campaign will be officially launched in January 2020 and kick off with two PR activities in September and November 2019, in collaboration with Danish PR agency, Crosstown Kommunikation.