







Gyldendal Education Chooses Sunrise as New Agency Partner

Most Danes know the Gyldendal Group. Founded in 1770, Gyldendal is Denmark’s oldest publishing house, and for 250 years has left its mark on both the publishing industry and Danish society. Over the years its mission has remained constant: to make an impact on Danish society by ensuring diverse, high-quality reading and learning experiences.

This mission has clearly been carried out by Gyldendal Education, which develops teaching resources for, among others, day care institutions, primary schools, and vocational and higher education institutions. It’s for this reason that Gyldendal Education is a complex company with many different products, brands, and target groups.

Linda Frøkjær, Marketing Manager at Gyldendal Education:

“The way we market ourselves changes – like any other organisation – in line with the market and the fact that our marketing is increasingly becoming digital. To always be at the forefront (of marketing trends), we have increased our focus on the customer journey with the goal of being able to adapt our communication to the recipient’s position in the market at all times. We have therefore been looking for an agency with a broad skillset, which can both help with strategic sparring as well as streamlining our campaign execution.”

“We met with several agencies, but with Sunrise we could feel that both the chemistry and professionalism were in place, and therefore we chose them as our new agency”

Anders Torpegaard, Senior Consultant at Sunrise:

“We are super happy that Gyldendal Education has chosen us as a partner and in the short period we have worked together, it is already clear that they are an extremely ambitious and dedicated team. We are very happy to be a part of that.”