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To help create awareness and tell the world about its unique and sustainable technology, Shark Solutions has partnered up with Sunrise. The first part of the collaboration will focus on developing a global sales tool with powerful, targeted storytelling and an industry-leading look, feel and tonality. The purpose of this tool will be to assure potential customers and investors of Shark Solutions’ competencies and the advantages of its sustainable solutions for use in various manufacturing industries.

Shark Solutions is on a very ambitious growth journey with an overall goal of being responsible for the upcycling of the majority of the world’s laminated glass. Our business case is already proven and well established, but we need stronger storytelling and revitalized communication with a more sustainable focus. We have chosen to partner up with Sunrise, as they showed a strong understanding of the task at hand, presented us with a well-thought-out process, as well as a proven track record from similar cases.”
– Jens Holmegaard, Founder and CEO, Shark Solutions

Shark Solutions is a global cleantech company that has developed a unique technology to transform waste laminated glass from broken windshields and the building industry into advanced, sustainable polymers that can be used in a wide array of industrial applications. This technology helps stop the worldwide dumping of laminated glass in landfills where it takes almost a million years to decompose – polluting our planet in the process.