






A well-implemented CRM system can have a great impact on your business. But if it’s not implemented correctly it can be inefficient. In a survey conducted by CIO magazine (2017), one-third of CRM implementations fail or do not meet the required KPIs.

We asked Jonathan Riis Gilmartin, Head of CRM & Sales Enablement at Sunrise, why he thinks that the majority of implementations fail:

“Often an implementation fails because different departments and stakeholders have different goals and criteria, which leads to a long list of unique needs for the CRM system. We believe that if a CRM implementation is to succeed, it needs to reflect the goals that are aligned across the departments that will be using the system. One common goal that most departments can relate to is to increase revenue. After all, is that not why you bought the system in the first place?”

Jonathan joined the Sunrise team in 2020 and works with clients to increase sales through professional and efficient lead generation, nurturing and conversion. In this interview we ask Jonathan to put a few words on this often unknown but highly important territory.

One common goal that most departments can relate to is to increase revenue. After all, is that not why you bought the system in the first place?

Jonathan Riis Gilmartin, Head of CRM & Sales Enablement, Sunrise

01/ How can CRM be of value for a business? What are the benefits?

“When choosing the right CRM software for your company, you should look for a system that can be integrated with the rest of your commercial ecosystem – preferably a system that can handle most of it for you. This way, the alignment across departments will be easier and can help your company increase the value of your CRM system. For example, the collaboration between sales and marketing will become easier if the marketing team is able to hand over leads to the sales team directly from the same system. A well-implemented CRM system can serve as the single data platform where all teams work and where most of your commercial activities are executed.”

Jonathan continues: “This can create a positive domino effect where one activity causes another; in other words, the platform benefits each team one after the other.”

02/ Is CRM relevant for both B2B and B2C? 

”The short answer is yes! A well-implemented CRM system can help both B2B and B2C companies manage their customers in one consolidated system. Whether it is a B2B company looking to automate e-mails toward prospects, and hence minimize the manual work connected to smaller sales, or a B2C company looking to create a predictable pipeline in order to define business objectives and measurable goals.”

Jonathan rounds off: ”The bottom line is that knowing your customer is equally relevant for both B2B and B2C companies. Measuring all of your activities can help your business grow and a well-implemented platform can help you reach that goal.”

03/ What is one of the major pitfalls?

“One of the major pitfalls we see is when a CRM system is used mainly for reporting. Management is usually very fond of reporting on results but the people who use the system every day will most likely get frustrated because the system will not be set up to help the sales team, but to report on their work. This requires the sales team to fill out endless amounts of information that is not helpful to the team’s own sales process. In the end this often leads to them not filling in sufficient or correct data – and that is a whole other problem.”

04/ How can Sunrise help with CRM, marketing automation and the like?

“You might already have a CRM or marketing automation system but are struggling to utilise its full potential. Or perhaps you are currently looking for one or maybe just realised that CRM might be the right solution for you and your business. Regardless of your current situation, we are ready to help you.”

Jonathan elaborates: “If you already have a CRM system, we can audit it and ensure that you are utilising it in the most desirable way to support the different teams using it. If you are looking for a system or have just started considering it, we can help you find out which overall goals to tie to the CRM implementation and help you set up a system that fits that strategy.”

“At Sunrise we have witnessed clients increase their number of relevant leads which have led to an increase in their overall sales. Zuuvi, a Danish tech start-up, is a good example of how a successful CRM implementation can benefit company growth.”

If you want to learn more about how Jonathan and the team supported Zuuvi on its journey to successful CRM implementation you can read the case here.

If you are interested in hearing more about what we have to offer or have some unanswered questions for Jonathan, please do not hesitate to contact us.