An organization driven by a strong cause of beating child cancer

Client: BørnecancerfondenTopics: NGO

The Danish Child Cancer Society has an important agenda: Every second day, a child gets a cancer diagnosis, in Denmark alone. The Danish Child Cancer Society (Børnecancerfonden – BCF) seeks to put spotlight on this, and support research, information sharing and provide help to those affected by child cancer. To financially secure the agenda of BCF, they are in constant need of financial backing and donations. We sought out to help with this.


In relation to the strong need for donations, the BCF website plays a crucial role in succeeding in getting financial support. The website functions as primary contactbase and initiatl stepping stone for research and information for the targetgroup of financially strong supporters. For these reasons, BCF identified a need for a new digital foundation wherefrom BCF could position themselves as a competent and professionel brand. The overall ambition was to highten the perception of BCF, improve the online user experience, improve performance, increase focus on fundraising, and ease internal working processes.


During the insightsphase we identified the targetgroups interestpoints and mapped these into personaes, to make sure that the digital outcome spoke to the target audience. Based on the obtained desk research and conducted insights, we developed the digital foundation where an information driven website, in the early stage, became central. Today, the website is split into clearly defined support areas and information pages making it easy for the user to navigate on an otherwise complex and information heavy website. The website now has a clear distinction and focus depending on the purpose whether it being donations, family support, research or gaining knowledge about child cancer.


The strategic goal was, from day one, to secure financial support to BCF by improving conversion numbers and making it easy to donate online. This has been achieved with a 60% increase in donations during the first three months of the campaign.
Further, all focus areas have gotten a lift and communication has been streamlined to center around specific initiatives and transparency as to how BCF uses donations.
The streamlined website also includes a new digital knowledge section with more than 150 knowledge-based articles and new articles are being released weekly.
Lastly, BCF daily saves time internally – freeing up space to other relevant activities.